Thursday 15 April 2010

Are You Want To Be commonly known as D&D Or Dungeon Master ?

RPG's or Role Playing Games continue to be popular in today's
crowded game market. One of those games is Dungeons & Dragons or
commonly known as D&D. One of the key components to a session of
D&D is Dungeon Master. If you remember the 1981 blockbuster of
E.T. you will remember that one of the characters in an opening
sequence about ten minutes in; was in fact a dungeon master, to
give you a hint it wasn't E.T. What does it mean to be a dungeon master is the game of D&D? You
are like the director of a motion picture. You will be taking
your group of players on an adventure, through the twists and
turns that you provide. You will be in control of narrating the
story. You will also be giving the players choices to battle
monsters and villains with the outcome of being victorious! So what is all involved in becoming a master? 1. You will need to prepare, before game night you will want to
have your adventure ready and be prepared for any number of
encounters that may come your way. 2. You need a great imagination to create a world for the
players to play in. How you interpret this can be crucial for a
great game. One of the things you will need is to be fast on
your feet. Will your world be huge to start or small? 3. Monsters and Villains. You get to control the bad guys, and
this is part of the game that most dungeon masters enjoy. You
don't want to just be a killing machine, after all the game is
about creating fantasy and to form an element of suspense that
is also believable. 4. As a Dungeon Master you will have to also wear a referee
shirt. You will be responsible for making decisions in the game
should an issue come up. Good Dungeon Masters know that to keep
everyone happy they also should know about the player's goals
with his or her specific character, including weaknesses and
skills. This is just a short list of the things you will have to do as
dungeon master. There are many more in the combat zone, which
will be addressed in another article.

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